St. Jude Catholic Primary – Jinja Uganda

Carmel Convent, Jinja, Uganda: Since the Regional Assembly 2017, the Region felt a need to include one more East African Country for the Apostolic Carmel service and was on the lookout for a suitable school to take over as a starter. In 2020 the Congregation of Holy Cross Fathers offered a primary school which they were managing to the Apostolic Carmel. Then on the invitation of Bishop Charles Martin Wamika, Sisters Winifreda (as sister-in-charge) and Eunice Annunciata A.C. were sent as pioneers to Jinja, Uganda. They took up a rented house in the vicinity of Jinja parish. The convent was blessed on 21st November 2020 and from then sisters started living in this place. They took time to furnish and renovate this rented house to include a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament. They stayed in the rented house and went to the school which is about 5 kilometers away daily. Later on in December 2020, sisters Melania and Lydiah joined the community at Jinja.