Doonholm Catholic Primary School, Doonholm

Robert Vujs, Maryknoll father and parish priest of St. Jude Catholic Church, Donholm in the nineties, wanted the A.C. sisters to start a primary school in the Parish church premises. This school project got a head start on 12 January, 1998. Sr. Winifreda A.C. was the first Head teacher of this school. There were 45 pupils enrolled for class one on the first day of school.

The new school building started on 27th April, 1999 and was inaugurated in January 2000 by Rev. Fr. Robert Vujs. Later in 2005 this school was handed over to the Arch diocese of Nairobi by the Maryknoll Fathers. At present our A.C. sisters of East Africa Region are in charge of the management of this Diocesan school.

The Donholm Catholic Primary school has grown from strength to strength in terms of streams, infrastructural facilities, learning choices for skill development and academic accomplishments. There are over a 1200 pupils in this school.The completely day-school offers plenty of learning opportunities like key board music,swimming, brass band, scouts, games and other co curricular programs.