The Carmel Blossoms are the youngest members of the Apostolic Carmel Lay groups. They are initiated in Class 5 and remain affiliated to the group up to the time they leave the school.
Carmel Blossoms have weekly meetings to learn the Faith, AC spirituality and how to live and practise the Christian faith. Carmel Blossoms learn to pray, meditate on the word of God and even do nature meditation. They have recollection days of prayer and other activities during the year. Every year they visit catholic shrines as short pilgrimages. At present we have 8 Sub-units in the Region and a total of 542 Carmel Blossoms in the East Africa region
Carmel Blossoms have weekly meetings to learn the Faith, AC spirituality and how to live the Christian faith. Carmel Blossoms learn to pray, meditate on the word of God and even do nature meditation. They have recollection days of prayer and other activities during the year. Every year they visit catholic shrines as short pilgrimages. At present we have 8 Sub-units in the Region and a total of 542 Carmel Blossoms in the East Africa region
Carmel Blossoms visit the disabled people at the Missionaries of Charity, Home for the Disabled at Kibera.
After one year of learning Carmelite spirituality the initiation ceremony of the Carmel Blossoms takes place. They take an oath to be disciples of Christ.